![Louisburg Wildcats](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/10925/file/1876456/fe311627-ade2-4946-bbce-03d70129648f.png)
Hour | Time |
1st | 8:00 - 8:42 |
2nd | 8:46 - 9:28 |
3rd | 9:32 - 10:14 |
4th | 10:18 - 11:00 |
5th | 11:04 - 12:19 |
6th Lunch | 11:04 - 11:29 |
7th Lunch | 11:29 - 11:54 |
8th Lunch | 11:54 - 12:19 |
6th | 12:23 - 1:05 |
7th | 1:09 - 1:51 |
8th | 1:55 - 2:37 |
Wildcat Time | 2:41 - 3:05 |
General Information
LMS School day is 8:00-3:05
Students arriving early to LMS will be allowed to enter the building at 7:35 am through the gym doors. Students are to report to the auditorium upon their entrance to the building. Students will not be allowed to go to their lockers at this time. The classroom section of the building is open to students at 7:55 am when the first bell rings, unless they are attending Wildcat Den. Students are to leave the school building by 3:10 pm unless under the direct supervision of a staff member.
Please be aware that the front door at LMS is locked. The front door to the office area will be remotely unlocked by staff after the bell is rung and visible contact is made with front office personnel. This is one more step to provide a safe environment for our students and staff.
LMS does not allow outside food to be brought into the school. This rule was adapted by the district BOE.
Lunch money received by the office after 10:00 am will be posted to the next school day. Please remind your student to turn in any money to the kitchen prior to the first bell. Students with a negative balance will not be able to purchase extras.
Bullying Policy
Bullying is when one person is engaged in any ongoing physical or verbal mistreatment of another person. This could be, but not limited to the following: name calling, spreading rumors, bad language, mean letters or notes, punching, pushing, tripping, spitting, kicking or stealing. LMS will NOT tolerate bullying of any kind or anyone who becomes a bully. Consequences will be made to anyone bullying including contacting the parent.
About 30% of all students will experience some kind of bullying. We EXPECT the rest of the Student Body, the other 70%, who aren’t affected by bullying, to help put a stop to it when they see it happen.
The Bullying Report Form is included in the student agenda.
ALICE information regarding LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES for LMS
![ALICE Lockdown Procedure](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/10925/file/1005704/94d5b10d-967b-47fe-9fa4-9aa26c67ed21.png)
Contact Cindy Konrade with any questions at 913-837-1961 or konradec@usd416.org
Cell Phone Policy
From 8:00 AM to 3:05 PM no student’s cell phone should be seen or heard. We are requiring our students to keep their cell phones locked in their lockers.
If a staff member sees or hears a cell phone, they will confiscate it and hand it into the office. The office will make note of the offense. At the end of the school day, the student may come to the office and retrieve their confiscated phone. If the phone is taken a second time, then the phone is held in the office until a parent or guardian conference is held with the teacher or principal. The phone will then be given to the parent or guardian. A Conduct Report will be issued at this second offense.
If a student loses his or her cell phone a third time, the confiscated phone will be held until the end of the semester. We will issue another Conduct Report for this infraction.
Dress Code
Student dress in middle school is part of the educational process meant to prepare young people for their advancement into adult responsibilities. Our dress code emphasizes neatness and respectful good taste, but is not intended to cause a financial hardship upon any student or family. Decency and good taste are required, and clothing should meet accepted standards of modesty.
General Guidelines
1. Appearance must be neat and clean.
2. Clothing with profane, obscene, or suggestive writing/markings or pictures will not be tolerated.
3. Clothing with tobacco, alcohol or drug-related writing/markings or pictures will not be tolerated.
4. Students must be clothed at all times from the shoulders to mid-thigh. (No bare midriffs.) Teachers will have the discretion within their own classrooms to set more stringent guidelines as long as they are within the general parameters of the district dress code.
5. Underwear may not be worn as outerwear.
6. No hats or caps are to be worn in the building during the school day. (Headgear shall not be worn except in instances for school spirit with administrative approval.)
7. Feet must be covered by wearing shoes or sandals.
8. Any style of clothing that causes disruptions or distractions will not be allowed. Specific examples, but not limited to these, are halter tops, spaghetti straps, trench coats, chains, see-through clothing, wearing the hood of a jacket over your head and loose fitting/revealing tank tops.
9. Any accessories to clothing that cause disruptions or distractions will not be allowed.
10. Any clothing or accessories that appear to be gang related will not be allowed.
11. Any student wearing clothing that presents a safety hazard around machinery or in extracurricular activities needs to dress according to the instructor/sponsor requirements.
If a student’s appearance does not meet the above guidelines or attracts undue attention to the extent that it becomes a disruptive factor in the educational environment, the principal or his designee will make the determination to correct the infraction which may include not to wear the garment/items again, send the student home to change, provide appropriate clothing or take other appropriate disciplinary action such as suspension or expulsion.