Welcome to Circle Grove Preschool!

Click on the links below for information, fee structure, and enrollment forms. Forms can be emailed (stoned@usd416.org), faxed, mailed, or hand-delivered to our office.  The Preschool Office is located at 29020 Mission Belleview Road, Louisburg, KS. Office Hours are 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.   Please call the district office for availability. 

Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year

Opening Dates

March 3, 2025 - At-Risk and Current Student Enrollment

March 24, 2025 Open Enrollment (All Students)

Forms (found below) will be updated middle of February for the 2025-2026 Enrollment Process

Please contact the District Office if you have any questions regarding enrollment.


At Risk

FREE 4 yr & 3 yr At-Risk Preschool Program

See the information below to see if your child would qualify for this program.

All eligible children must be 3 or 4 years old on or before August 31, 2024 and meet any ONE (or more) of the following criteria:


1.        Family qualifies for FREE lunch program.

2.        Student lives in single parent home.

3.        Student has a teen parent, or a parent who was a teen at time of student’s birth.

4.        Student has a parent who does not have a high school diploma/GED.

5.        Student has a developmental delay that can be documented with an Early Childhood Screening   (must contact for screening).

6.       DCF referral

7.       Student has limited English proficiency

8.       Child qualifies for migrant status

9.       Child experiencing homelessness

The goal is to ensure that every child, regardless of home background, home language or learning style, maintains enthusiasm for learning while experiencing success in developing skills for later learning.

If your child meets any one (or more) of the above criteria they could be enrolled in the preschool program for the 2024-2025 school year. Call Dehonna Stone at Circle Grove Preschool 913-837-1700 to apply and/or to learn more about the program.

Program Days & Hours:

3-Year-Old Program: Monday-Friday 8:15 am to 11:00 am

4-Year-Old Program: Monday- Friday 12:15 pm to 3:15 pm

Transportation: Provided within the Louisburg City Limits.

Limited Number of Slots for the 2024-2025 School Year. Enrollment for the At-Risk programs are taken until September 10, 2024.


Day Care

Circle Grove now has a Childcare Center!


7:15 am to 4:30 am

$300 per month

Circle Grove Childcare will follow the school calendar for open and closed days. Limited spots available.

If you are interested or have questions please contact Dehonna Stone at (913) 837- 1700.

Ashley Heston

Ashley Heston

Childcare Center Director


(913) 837-1700

Sara Gomez

Sara Gomez

Childcare Center Lead Teacher


(913) 837-1700

2024-2025 Child Find Information


Circle Grove Child Find


USD 416 will be holding developmental screening clinics during the 2024-2025 school

year. The district participates in the Child Find process to locate children who may need

special education services as early as possible. Child Find in Kansas involves a

screening process for children from ages 3-5. Schools in conjunction with parents use

these processes to locate, evaluate, and identify children who may need special

education and related services. Children in need of special education services should

be identified as young as possible and also as soon as possible after the concern is

noted. The earliest possible identification of education or behavioral concerns will

diminish the impact of the concerns on the child's education. If you have concerns about your child's skills and abilities (cognitive, speech, language, fine or gross motor, etc.) compared to their peers of the same age, please consider this amazing, free service. Screenings take place one Friday of each month. The screening will take approximately 45 minutes. Trained professionals will check each child’s large and small muscle development, communication, and thinking skills. Appointments may be made by calling the USD 416 main office at 913-837-1700.  

Friday August 23rd 8:00AM-11:00AM

Friday September 27th 8:00AM-11:00AM

Friday October 25th 8:00AM-11:00AM

Friday November 22nd 8:00AM-11:00AM 

Friday December 20th 8:00AM-11:00AM

Friday January 24th 8:00AM-11:00AM

Friday February 28th 8:00AM-11:00AM

Friday March 28th 8:00AM-11:00AM

Friday April 25th 8:00AM-11:00AM


School Supply List

Circle Grove Preschool Teachers

Tammy Poe

Tammy Poe


Teacher Aide:

Karen Cook

Karen Cook


Teacher Aide: Braycee McCuiston

Jana McVey

Jana McVey



Megan Shaffer

Mrs. Worthington

Renee Worthington


Teacher Aide:

Ashley Booton

Preschool Secretary

Dehonna Stone

Preschool Secretary

